Saturday, August 23, 2008

I suppose I should have mentioned the stellar line-up for the festival as opposed to just basking in it's glory. Family Band played though they aren't on the poster (which
Mark Ohe of Endless Boogie designed!) Johnny also sat in on Hiss Golden Messenger's set which was...well.. . ..indescribably good. Pretty sure I unintentionally fell into some jam-band-dance-trance during that set, please no one remind me.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The pictures from this weekend are endless and beautiful. Check out Kim and Johnny's house... it's so cool it gives me house envy. Born of their own hands of course.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008

So, our annual music festival killed it. Mike, Julie and Julian made it off the charts special and unspeakably fun. Who's the handsome fellow bracing the port-o-let in the back of the pick-up you ask? My brother! More to come. (p.s. check Dusty in her yoda duds. Totally unintentional... preeeeetty darn cute)